
Scene, Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whether you are a major procrastinator or just don’t have a clue what’s going on, it still is not too late to pick up a little something for your honey this Valentine’s Day.

I’m talking about today, Feb. 14, for those of you who still haven’t caught on. And I’m only offering advice to you men out there, because you’re the ones most likely to let the holiday slip up on you.

As I have said before, you can never go wrong with the three most popular gifts on Valentine’s Day: candy, jewelry and flowers. If you are in an extravagant mood, shower the love of your life with all three.

But that really isn’t necessary so long as you take a little bit of time to put some thought into whatever gift you decide on.

It is hard to go wrong with roses, but a less expensive floral arrangement will touch her heart even more if you know her well enough to pick out her favorite flowers. (Mine just happen to be roses, so Ron has it easy, but his wallet pays the price for my lack of originality.)

Even if you stick with the ever-popular red roses, any little effort to make the gift more personal will get you bonus points. For example, just asking the florist to wrap them in a blue ribbon because it is your bride’s favorite color could bring tears to the eyes of the happy recipient.

A small box from a jewelry store is my favorite thing to open on Valentine’s Day. The only thing you may want to watch out for is being too extravagant if your romance is still in its early stages.

Are you ready for the commitment a sparkling gemstone will imply to your girlfriend? She is definitely going to see expensive jewelry as a precursor to an engagement ring, parenthood and life in the suburbs, followed by spending your golden years together.

On the other hand, if you are in a long-term relationship, such as marriage, then get your butt to the jewelry store immediately! Today is the day to thank her for standing by you and agreeing to put up with the insanity of military life.

Last but definitely not least, candy is always a safe bet. Again, it helps to know what truly tempts her sweet tooth.

You can spend a bundle on Godiva chocolates, but she will be more touched if you remember what her favorite type of candy is.

Taking your sweetheart to the place where you had your first date and presenting her with a box of Hershey bars is a much more romantic way to say "I love you" than grabbing a box of wilted roses.

But anything is better than nothing.

And everything means more if it is accompanied by those three little words none of us say often enough.

A mother of three boys, Pam Zich has been married to a Marine for 19 years and currently lives in Springfield, Va. You may e-mail her at or visit her Web site at

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