Insurgent history, 2014

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of Sher Mohammed holding a replica jezail musket in his shop in downtown Kabul in Afghanistan on Feb. 5, 2014.

David Lynch in Tokyo for Dune, 1984

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of Director David Lynch at a press conference in Tokyo, Japan, November 1984.

Bing Crosby at Frankfurt Golf Club, 1953

From the Stars and Stripes archives: Bing Crosby signs autographs for fans, including U.S. service members, who came to watch him play on the Frankfurt golf course in Germany on May 27, 1953.

New Mexico Military Museum’s new exhibit to honor WWII prisoners of war in the Pacific

Despite the adversity of the Bataan Death March, Pvt. Oscar Avery Cox and three fellow POWs decided it was worth risking their lives to protect a piece of fabric: the American flag. Flags passed between the POWs, many hailing from New Mexico, are now in the New Mexico Military Museum.

Buchenwald, 2003

From the Stars and Stripes archives: Memory stones top slabs of rock with the names of concentration camp victims inscribed on them as part of the memorial to the Sinti and Roma at the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany in 2003.

Japanese troops detonate several American-made bombs leftover from WWII

Japanese troops on Wednesday detonated eight unexploded, U.S.-made bombs believed to be from World War II off the coast of southern Okinawa.

Afghan scene, 2012

From the Stars and Stripes archives: A man carries a bundle of brush past Afghan and coalition soldiers patrolling through the main bazaar in the Shegal district of Afghanistan on Feb. 22, 2012.

Welcome Home, 2003

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of Sgt. Kerry Boese and wife Sheila sharing a tender moment as son Samuel, 22 months, just seems happy to have dad home in Germany on May 14, 2003.