Bing Crosby at Frankfurt Golf Club, 1953

From the Stars and Stripes archives: Bing Crosby signs autographs for fans, including U.S. service members, who came to watch him play on the Frankfurt golf course in Germany on May 27, 1953.

Buchenwald, 2003

From the Stars and Stripes archives: Memory stones top slabs of rock with the names of concentration camp victims inscribed on them as part of the memorial to the Sinti and Roma at the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany in 2003.

Afghan scene, 2012

From the Stars and Stripes archives: A man carries a bundle of brush past Afghan and coalition soldiers patrolling through the main bazaar in the Shegal district of Afghanistan on Feb. 22, 2012.

Welcome Home, 2003

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of Sgt. Kerry Boese and wife Sheila sharing a tender moment as son Samuel, 22 months, just seems happy to have dad home in Germany on May 14, 2003.

Teaching tactics, 1962

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of U.S. Army advisers 1st Lt. Edmond Fricki (standing) and 1st Lt. Major Bell demonstrate hand-to-hand combat before a group of Republic of Vietnam Rangers in Trung Lap Ranger Unit Training Center, South Vietnam, February, 1962.

Getting ready for boom, 2004

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of members of the U.S. Army’s Captured Enemy Ammunition Operations and contractors from EOD Technology Inc., based in Knoxville, Tenn., look over a pile of Iraqi artillery shells, bombs and missiles being set up for demolition in Fallujah, Iraq on Jan. 17, 2004.

Rocky roads, 2004

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of an elder walking down an unpaved and rocky mountain road in Nangalem, Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2004.

U.S. Army nurses — and survivors of the Bataan Death March — at the march’s survivors reunion, 1949

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of three former Army nurses — who are all survivors of the Bataan Death March — at the march’s survivors reunion in Darmstadt, Germany on April 8, 1949.

Steeled for a blast, 2004

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of Staff Sgt. Anna Berber-Giddings of the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion showing the Iraqi-made steel door meant to provide some blast protection to an unarmored Humvee in Iraq on Feb. 1, 2004.

Border life, 2004

Here is a photo from the Stars and Stripes archives of a young girl helping out her family by running errands, carrying a pan of cheese in her remote village just across the border from Pakistan in October 2004.