SASEBO NAVAL BASE, Japan – All captains and commanders chosen for early retirement by the 2012 Selective Early Retirement Board must retire no later than April 1, the service has announced.
About 120 captains and 120 commanders were chosen for retirement by the board, according to a Navy release.
The board was convened earlier this year because of an excess of officers attributed to high retention and a reduction in officer billets, the release said. The board considered the records of all active-duty unrestricted line captains with at least four years time-in-grade as of July 1, 2011, and commanders who have been passed over for promotion to O-6 twice.
Officers chosen can apply for a 90-day deferral based on hardship or for humanitarian reasons at the sole discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, the news release said.
Details can be found in the NAVADMIN.
From staff reports