Japan halts material bound for Okinawa airfield project after truck fatality

The Japanese government halted shipment of landfill material destined for a U.S. military airfield on Okinawa after a truck hit and killed a security guard and injured a protester last week.

Kubasaki’s Cook earns Marine Corps JROTC Instructor of Year award

Kubasaki coach Brent Cook has been named Marine Corps’ JROTC Instructor of the Year.

Japan lodges second complaint after US Marine charged with attempted sexual assault

Japanese officials lodged multiple complaints with U.S. authorities after a Marine was indicted for attempted sexual assault on Okinawa last month.

Marines on Okinawa issued new amphibious combat vehicles

Marines of 4th Marines, 3rd Division offloaded the state-of-the-art combat vehicles, which replace an aging fleet of assault amphibious vehicles.

Bat insignia on Marine stealth fighter in Japan is minor star on social media

The flagship stealth fighter at this base south of Hiroshima is sporting a new look, one to make Batman envious.

Security guard dead, protester injured by truck outside Okinawa port

A security guard was killed, and an anti-base protester injured Friday when they stepped into the path of truck outside a port in northern Okinawa, according to Japanese police.

Marines demonstrate new missile for first time in Indo-Pacific

A U.S. Marine Corps attack helicopter sank a moving target in the Sea of Japan during a recent training exercise, the first use of a new air-to-ground missile in the region, the Corps announced Friday.

Marine base in Japan moves SOFA driver training online

Members of the U.S. military community coming to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni south of Hiroshima will have to study on their own to acquire a status-of-forces driver’s license after training time for the written test was cut from the three-day “Welcome Aboard” brief.

Marines at Okinawa make first trip in new amphibious combat vehicles

The Marine Corps’ new amphibious combat vehicle went to work in waters off Okinawa doing for the first time what it was designed to do: moving troops from ship to shore.

‘Small detachment’ of Marines to arrive on Guam this winter

A “small detachment” of U.S. Marines is scheduled to relocate to Guam at the end of the year as the island prepares for thousands more transferring from Okinawa, according to the Marine Corps. 

Marine tells Okinawa court he robbed convenience store to recoup scam debt

A U.S. Marine pleaded guilty Monday to robbing a convenience store on Okinawa, a crime he testified he committed to retrieve money he lost in an online scam.

Navy’s new hovercraft on track to be mission ready by fall after years of delays, watchdog says

The Navy’s new hovercraft will be ready to deploy and conduct missions in September as the service races to replace its aging landing craft fleet. Known as the ship-to-shore connector, the upgraded version of the service’s air-cushioned landing craft has struggled through four years of delays.

US Navy base in Sicily looks back on 65 years, ahead to burgeoning NATO role

NAS Sigonella has grown to 1,300 acres and about 40 tenant commands, among them Space Force, Army, Marines and Air Force detachments. The military community of more than 6,000 also includes civilians, service member families and Italian workers.

Marine Corps plans new littoral regiment on Guam in a ‘few years,’ commandant says

The Marine Corps plans to establish a new littoral regiment on Guam in the next several years to “counter Chinese aggression” in the region, Japanese media reported.

Thousands of Marines wrap weeks of Philippine exercises

American and Filipino marines recently concluded six weeks of coastal defense and aviation training in the Philippines.

Bills seek to speed up lawsuits over Camp Lejeune contamination

Frustrated by the slow pace of more than 1,800 lawsuits filed against the government over harm from decades of contaminated drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, a bipartisan group in Congress is pushing legislation to try to speed things along.

Japanese government moving ahead with landfill work for Marine Corps runway on Okinawa

The Japanese government plans to resume major construction, delayed more than four years, on an airfield for the Marine Corps at Camp Schwab, according to Okinawa prefecture.

Ex-Trump adviser urges him to cut ties with China, restart nuclear tests

If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he should sever all economic ties with China, consider deploying the entire Marine Corps to Asia and resume live nuclear weapons testing, his former national security adviser wrote in a recent article.

Baltic exercise prompts Russian flyovers as US and NATO allies execute amphibious landing

Russian bomber flyovers made the preparations for a Marine amphibious landing off the Polish coast a little more interesting, but no less effective. The four-nation beach assault was part of Baltic Operations, an annual exercise that showcased the capabilities of 20 allied countries.